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Be part of the growth and success of one of the largest real estate developers in Estonia!

Hepsor Stock
Investor Calendar
  • 23.04.2025 Audited annual report for 2024
  • 30.04.2025 Unaudited interim report for Q1 2025

Issuer`s information

  • Issuer Hepsor AS
  • Name of security share of Hepsor AS
  • Ticker HPR1T
  • ISIN EE231242423
  • Issuer`s residence Estonia
  • Nominal value 1 EUR
  • Market Nasdaq Tallinn, Baltic Main List
  • Industry Real estate developer
  • Total number of securities 3 854 701
  • Number of listed securities 3 854 701
  • Currency EUR
  • Listing date 26.11.2021
Hepsor Tallinn Nasdaq market

A substantial developer with a good reputation and a long history

In ten years of operation, Hepsor has become a trusted and preferred partner. In 2020, we were the second largest residential real estate developer in Estonia.

We develop homes as well as commercial premises

We have built more than 1,400 homes and over 23,000 m² of commercial space.

Skilled engineers and green thinking

We have been the first developer in the Baltics to implement several innovative engineering and technical solutions that make the buildings we construct more energy-efficient and thus more environmentally friendly. Green thinking and innovation are essential elements of our work and come naturally to us.

Read more about Hepsor

Ambitious growth plan

Our goal is to develop more homes and commercial premises in the next five years than we have done in the past ten.

Outstanding development portfolio

Some of the more significant developments in our portfolio include the Manufaktuur Quarter and a large residential development area around the proposed new hospital in Lasnamäe, Tallinn, office-warehouse type developments and the Krasta City business district in Riga.

Innovation and green thinking

We aspire to work in new ways, seeking and implementing innovative solutions while keeping one step ahead of overall market developments.